Hugo Torzuoli

Senior Frontend Engineer @Directus



  • Directus

    (2024 - now)

    Frontend Developer

    Vue.js & Nuxt development on Directus products.

  • Yescapa

    (2022 - 2024)

    Senior Front-end Developer

    Yescapa website development and maintainance, migration Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3, Design System with Tailwind & Figma, continous integrataion CI/CD with GitLab, multilangue i18n, marketing analyze with Google Analytics.

  • PandaLab

    (2020 - 2022)

    Fullstack Developer

    Healthcare applications with Express, MongoDB, Vue.js and websocket.

  • Versusmind

    (2018 - 2020)

    Fullstack Developer

    Development and maintenance of Dietplus web application with Java Spring Boot et Angular & i18n.

  • The WiW

    (2017 - 2018)

    Frontend Developer

    What is What product as frontend developer, web and mobile with AngularJS et Ionic & i18n.

You want to work with me?